Monday, November 22, 2010

New Skins Available: League of Legends!

Happy Monday, Summoners! Before you head off to have a happy (and delicious) Thanksgiving later this week, check out some of the scrumptious new skins now available. The Armordillo is ready to roll out as the king of fire and ice. First came Molten Rammus, and now Freljord Rammus is bringing a chill to the Fields of Justice. Catch a glimpse of Xin Zhao back in his pit fighting days with the Viscero Xin Zhao skin. And you might have guessed that Hot Rod Corki had a bit of help on that sweet copter. Well, you can thank Piltover Customs Heimerdinger for that one (and don’t miss his new turrets, now with more horsepower!).

Author's Note: Well guys don't these skins look awesome! I applaud Riot Games for the excellent work, I suggest you buy these new skins and show them off to your friend (;

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